GreenARMIR Information

IR Topics

23/07/2010 Green ARM's HIT(Hot In-place Transforming) technology and IHIR(Induvtion Heating In-place Removing) technology were reported in Nikkei Construction
26/10/2009 A part of Ecorecover Business was transferred to Ecorecover Co., Ltd.
26/06/2008 Charter Amendment at the Special Meeting of Shareholders
26/07/2007 Green ARM Corporation was featured on the China National TV
25/07/2007 License for Construction in general
17/04/2007 The capital of Green ARM was increased on 17 Apr. 2007
28/02/2007 Charter Amendment at the Special Meeting of Shareholders
31/01/2007 The capital of Green ARM was increased on 31 Jan. 2007
19/12/2006 The capital of Green ARM was increased on 19 Dec. 2006.
07/08/2006 Chosen as the strategic development project for energy usage rationalization technologies sponsored by NEDO in 2006
20/06/2005 We have moved our office on 20 Jun. 2005
29/03/2005 The capital of GREEN ARM was increased on 29 Mar. 2005
22/10/2004 Grant from NEDO as a global warming counter-measure evaluation project.
01/03/2004 The establishment of a joint-venture company called TERPL.

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